Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki44 Vivian Street, New Plymouth

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki


We recommend that all cats, dogs and rabbits being kept as pets should be desexed.

Spaying of females and castration of males are common procedures that we perform daily. Both procedures require the pet to undergo a general anaesthetic, during which time we monitor them carefully to ensure their safety. Pets will need to be kept quiet afterwards while their surgical wounds heal. Most animals "bounce back" very quickly.

  • Spaying involves removal of the ovaries and uterus.
  • Castration involves removal of both testicles.

Desexing can have many health and social benefits for your animal. Benefits include reduction of aggressive behaviours and reduced tendency to wander in both sexes. Unspayed female cats and dogs attract males from far away and need to be confined for several weeks when they are in season, or "on heat". Uncastrated males, cats in particular, are more often involved in fights than desexed animals. Uncastrated male cats and dogs are also more likely to mark their territory by urinating in inappropriate areas, such as in the house. 

Desexing before sexual maturity also reduces the chances of your pet getting some tumours: including but not limited to mammary cancer and testicular cancer. Unspayed female animals are also at risk of getting life threatening infections of the uterus. Older uncastrated male dogs often suffer from ongoing complications associated with enlargement of the prostate.

New Plymouth District Council offers cheaper registration for desexed dogs.


Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki44 Vivian Street, New Plymouth

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki06 757 4838

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If you would like to make an appointment please contact us by phone or email.

You can also book directly online and choose a suitable time.

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, TaranakiVets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki

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